Neon EVM Upgrade and Management

Development Assembly controls future product iterations, assigns emergency engineers, and can serve as a kill switch

Upgrade EVM

Development Assembly oversees upgrades to the Neon EVM. These updates are different, precompiled versions, but the Development Assembly cannot change the actual source code of Neon EVM. This allows the Emergency Engineers to change the EVM version to any approved version.
Upgrade EVM

Start & Stop EVM

To prevent a possibly malicious transaction from being executed, the Development Assembly is responsible for monitoring and potentially halting Neon EVM via emergency mode.
Start & Stop EVM

Appoint Emergency Engineers

The Development Assembly can add/remove keys to an “Emergency Engineer” multisig. Being a member of this multisig allows any Emergency Engineer to upgrade the EVM to a version already approved by the Development Assembly.
Appoint Emergency Engineers
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